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How To Create Your Own Physical Video Product

Why are video products important? Because they have a higher perceived value by your prospects and customers.

How To Create Your Own Physical Video Product

"How To Create Your Own Physical Video Product" is an informative guide that will help you bring your video ideas to life.

This comprehensive ebook covers everything from planning and producing your video content to creating physical products such as DVDs and Blu-rays. 

How To Create Your Own Physical Video Product

Why are video products important? Because they have a higher perceived value by your prospects and customers.

You can charge more for videos than you typically can for ebooks, and they can be easier to sell because more people want to watch videos than read ebooks.

If you want to capture both video lovers and readers, simply add PDF transcripts of your videos to your package. 

Then if you choose, you can also re-purpose the video by stripping out the audio and selling that as a product, as well as packaging the transcriptions into an ebook or breaking them up into articles and blog posts.

And if you're making a series of videos, you can even turn them into an entire course or membership site.

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How do you choose your topic for your video product?

It's much the same as for any product – find out what your customers need and want and give them that and more.

And to be sure you're on the right track, test it out. 

Maybe do a blog post or take a survey and see what kind of reaction you get.

Even though video products are faster to make than written products, you still don't want to waste a day or two making a product no one buys.

How do you script your video?

There is a myth among those who have never made a video that all you need to do is pick a topic, turn on the camera and start talking.

And if you're a polished speaker well versed on your topic, that might even be true.

But for most of us, you need to have a game plan before you start recording

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